Advanced Driver Training courses:

Passing your driving test is just the start this is a life long learning skill everyday you are going to come across new experiences. Whether you’re a driving enthusiast, someone who enjoys a challenge, or just aware that you have room to improve, if you want to fulfil your potential as a driver you’ve come to the right place, Suryastar school of motoring.

Our Skill for Life course delivers advanced driving skills from the police’s Roadcraft driving manual, helping you to improve your skills, anticipation and enjoyment behind the wheel.

What is advanced driving?

It is a safe, thoughtful and methodical way of driving. Advanced drivers are more observant and better at anticipating changes in the surrounding conditions. Because of this they are able to plan their driving to deal with any circumstances.
Advanced Driving is based upon the ‘System of car control’ as detailed in Roadcraft – The Police Driver Handbook. It is unlikely that anyone will gain a high grade without a good knowledge of the current editions of The Highway Code and Roadcraft. “Advanced driving is the ability to control the position and speed of the vehicle safely, systematically and smoothly, using road and traffic conditions to progress unobtrusively with skill and responsibility. This skill requires a positive but courteous attitude and a high standard of driving competence based on concentration, effective all round observation, anticipation, and planning. This must be co-ordinated with good handling skills. The vehicle will always be at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can always be stopped safely on its own side of the road in the distance that can be seen to be clear.”

  • Advanced and defensive driver training, focusing on improved observational skills as well as planning, smoothness and vehicle and passenger consideration
  • Eco-driving, aiming to show drivers how to conserve fuel by improving observation and planning and better use of the gears, leading to measurable benefits

Think you are a good driver? Would you like to improve your skills, would you like to take some refresher training?

Improve your:

  • Driving skills
  • Hazard perception & awareness
  • Concentration
  • Forward planning skills
  • Passenger comfort

Reduce your :

  • Stress levels
  • Near misses
  • Insurance premiums
  • Fuel costs
  • Maintenance/ wear & tear costs

Call Suryastar School of Motoring on 07949183211 / 07404599095. our instructors are ready to help you.

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